Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lauren & Ryan

Despite the fact that the bride and her attendants arrived at the church two hours behind schedule, the ceremony started essentially on time—only five minutes late. After the wedding coordinator dashed to the nearest drugstore to pick up a pair of black socks for the groom—the one item he’d forgotten—the guys lined up for their portraits. With those out of the way and still no bride or bridesmaids, we waited. We worried, and then we waited some more. Finally they arrived. Now the groomsmen lounged in the sanctuary and their dressing room while the bridesmaids frantically powdered their noses, touched up curls, got into their dresses, and marveled at the gorgeous bride. All the anxiety about running behind schedule, however, was clearly forgotten by the bride as she was escorted down the aisle in an exquisite gown whose sparkles matched her radiant glow of excitement and love. At the reception, when the couple had their first dance as husband and wife, the way they held each other and every tender touch illuminated their love and adoration for one another that had grown so much in the five years they dated. The stunning bride made each kiss, dance, smile, and pose picture perfect, a definite favorite of any wedding photographer.


Tina Sargeant Photography said...

Katie!!!These look fantastic! :) I can't wait to see your work from Rachel and Jared's wedding too!

Anonymous said...

those pictures are gorgeous. My favorite is the top one with the heels on the piano :)

visit my blog! reflectivetreasure.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

I love the picture with the shoes on the piano!!! I definitely want a picture like that from my wedding!!!