Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday Shoot

So I'm cutting it close, but I'm still getting my Sunday Shoot in. My roommate is student teaching this semester. Let me add that she is such a good teacher, always finding fun and creative ways to present material and engage her class. She was cutting out letters to spell the names of her students, so I snapped some shots of the letters arranged and scattered on her bed. A writer drawn to take pictures of letter... go figure.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday Shoot

For quite awhile I've admired the idea of blogging a photo a day, but I'm not going to kid myself and pretend that I'd keep it up for any length of time. So I've had this idea of a "Sunday Shoot" floating around for awhile, and I decided it's finally time to start. I should thank my sister-in-law for motivation from her 365 photo challenge (thanks, Cassie!). So, while I'm not taking or posting a photo everyday, I will be posting at least one picture every Sunday. Maybe after I've done this for awhile I'll be able to progress to my own picture a day challenge, but no promises on that!

To start things off are some photos of these delicious (and sticky!) candied clementines that my good friend Jess (shown in the wedding gown in the previous post) brought my roommate and me. Can you say yum?!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Preview: Jessica's Bridals

Here's a glimpse of my bridal session with Jessica at Edisto Beach. More to come later.